Building Teamwork Through Outbound Training

Oleh: Abdi Gunawan Djafar . December 10, 2021 . 08:00:00

To build better teamwork, the Technical Executing Unit for Language (UPT Bahasa) of UNG took part in an Outbound at the Exotic Beach Restaurant, Huangobutu Village, Kabila Bone Sub-district. It was attended by the head, staff, translators, teachers, and families and facilitated by Tunas Muda Creasindo (TMC) who organized the activities and games. Held on Saturday, December 4th, 2021 from 10.00 AM to 16.00 PM takes place in the courtyard and Exotic restaurant parking lot.

Entitled "Building Teamwork Through Outbound Training", participants participated in a series of games prepared by the facilitator (TMC). Participants create 4 groups which consist of 5 people each.

Participants had fun swaying listening to the music during the games by following the instructor's movements. The warm-ups include games that require concentration, such as following confusing hand movements quickly, games that encourage collaboration and attention such as moving a ping pong ball on a rope with teammates, a game that train coordination of body movements such as setting hands and feet on the box on the ground, etc.

This activity is expected to further strengthen teamwork and relationships among employees of the Technical Executing Unit for Language (UPT Bahasa) of UNG.


December 30, 2018

Be Number One of the Language Center 2019

As we embark the brand new year of 2019. We will hold an exciting event scheduled to take place on 15th of January 2019 at the Citimall of Gorontalo.