To increase the number of lecturers with a doctoral degree, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo encourages its young lecturers to continue their studies abroad. UNG has approximately 100 new lecturers as the CPNS selection recipients in 2018, 2019, and 2020. The Rector, Dr. H. Eduart Wolok, S.T., M.T expects them to go to college immediately and return to build UNG in 4 to 5 years. UNG will facilitate the young lecturers to get scholarships and related information. However, one of the challenges often faced in receiving scholarships abroad is the English ability.
Technical Executing Unit for Language (UPT Bahasa) of UNG supports the rector's program throughEnglish training and the proficiency test. A few steps have been taken to implement this program, including meetings, and sharing experiences as well as questions and answers related to study abroad, placement test to screen English language skill of overseas study scholarships hunter, and provide overseas scholarship information such as American Fulbright, DAAD German, Monbukagakusho Japan, AAS Australia, IASP Austria and LPDP.
There will be courses to advance English ability in the future, which is the main requirement to receive those scholarships.
As we embark the brand new year of 2019. We will hold an exciting event scheduled to take place on 15th of January 2019 at the Citimall of Gorontalo.